I've been a long time fan of Jay's Bed and Breakfast. Through sheer might, dedication, and gusto, Jay Candelario restored this fantastic Holyoke mansion, bringing it back from the brink of collapse. In these historic rooms, I host an annual Pie day celebration where I invite clients to join me for wine and pie. We eat, drink, and donate. That's right. Donate.
November's Pie day is only one of the many days where I showcase how much I care about my clients. What makes it unique is that this is the day that I ask clients to pay it forward by bringing donations to a local food pantry. There's a palpable spirit of generosity.
Pie Day, 2019
Pie Day 2020
I love gathering, socializing, and bringing people together. But as the Corona Virus hit our shores, 2020 had other plans.
So for this year?
I masked up and drove house to house, dropping off wine and locally-made pies to clients, collecting donations of non-perishable food for families in need. In 2020, we raised over 600lbs. of non-perishables for Margaret’s Pantry!

Despite everything 2020 had to throw at us, I'm grateful to still raise food for my community. This year COVID made us afraid of people, but we came together to show that people can still find creative and new ways to come together and do good. Thank you for making my heart full.